Understand Your Meta-programs, Preferences and Profiles

Author - Chris Anderon

The concept of Meta Programs is the first filter used in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Understanding our and someone else's Meta Programs can enable us to predict emotional states, actions, and behaviours accurately. And serve as a framework for understanding how people process information and make decisions. By identifying and utilising meta-programs, individuals can gain insights into their thinking patterns and those of others. They can help improve communication, relationships, and overall performance in various areas such as business, education, and personal development. It's important to note that Meta Programs are not inherently good or bad; they represent an individual's preferred method of processing information. Learning about Meta Programmes enhances our self-awareness and understanding of others. They are powerful tools that can be used for various purposes.

We all have unique preferences. In this section, we will delve into five crucial NLP Meta Programs. This will help you to identify your preferences and be mindful of the preferences of others. With this understanding, you will learn to motivate and influence yourself and others.

Five NLP Meta-programs.

Which of the following sets of words resonates with you the most?

(Or are you somewhere between the two?)

Motivation Level

Which set of words appeals the most?

(a). Do it, jump in, get it done, do it right away.

(b). Think about it, wait, analyse, find out, learn more.

If your preference is (a), you're more on the 'active' side. If it's (b), you're more on the 'reactive' side.

Motivational Direction

Which of these appeals the most?

(a). Attain, obtain, have, get, achieve, outcome.

(b). Avoid, prevent, eliminate, solve, get rid of, so we don't have to.

If your preference is (a) you're more on the 'towards' side, if it's (b) you're more on the 'away from' side.

Motivational Source

How do you know if you've done an excellent job?

(a). You just know.

(b). Input, Others tell you. Others notice.

If you know automatically, then you're internally referenced. If you need Input or external validation, (b) you're externally referenced.

Motivational Choice

Which of these sets appeals the most?

(a). Opportunity, variety, possibilities, lots of choices, break the rules, do it differently.

(b). The right way, first, second… third, procedures.

If you resonate with (a), you're more on the 'options' side; if you resonate with (b), you're more towards procedures.

Working Organisation

Which of these sets appeals most?

(a). People's names, feelings, thoughts, relationships, people I know.

(b). Tasks, systems, things, goals, processes, what I did.

If you resonate with (a), you're more people-orientated; if you resonate with (b), you're more task-orientated.

How these Meta Programmes can help us communicate and influence.

Most of us will be influenced more by one set of words than the other. This can even mean that we don't consciously hear the different set.

When communicating with others, we must use language that resonates with them to get their attention. We can achieve this by occasionally using their exact words and tone of voice to express themselves.

To understand which side of the profile our audience prefers, we can use words from both sides until it becomes clear. For instance, when discussing motivational level, we could start by saying, "We've analysed the information and are now ready to jump in and just do it."

The more we can align our communication style to another's and audience's preferences, the more likely they will listen to and be influenced by us.

Here is a suggested exercise that you might find helpful.

Imagine you have to give a presentation and craft phrases that appeal to all Meta Programmes.

Motivationl Level (Active/Reactive)
Motivational Direction (Towards/Away-from)
Motivational Source (Internal/External reference)
Motivational Choice(Options/Procedures)
Working Organisation (People/task oriented)

To your Success.

                What is NLP? The NLP Communication Model