The Transformative Power Of A Daily Grateful Mindset

Doing Emotional Gratitude
Author - Chris Anderon

Gratitude is a transformative force, not just for the good times but also for life's challenges. It's easy to overlook our blessings when we're overwhelmed or when life seems good, to attribute our appreciation to external factors. However, it's crucial to understand that gratitude is a practice that's essential even without challenges. It's not enough to say, 'Of course, I'm grateful,' without truly experiencing its life-changing effects. Gratitude is not just a feeling; it's an action. By expressing your appreciation to others, you make them feel good and strengthen your relationship. With consistent practice, you can revolutionize your life, creating more profound emotional gratitude experiences and taking it to a new level. Extensive research has demonstrated that gratitude significantly enhances mental health, happiness, and relationships. So, let the transformative power of gratitude inspire you to start your gratitude journey and when you think about the positive changes it can bring to your life. Remember, no matter how challenging life may seem, gratitude has the power to transform it into something beautiful.

You may find yourself caught in a cycle of dreading the workweek, unable to appreciate the weekend fully. Or maybe you're so consumed by your own or others' mistakes that a friend's compliment goes unnoticed. Finding any positives or expressing gratitude can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, especially when surrounded by people who love to share their negative experiences. But remember, even in these moments, gratitude is a practice worth pursuing.

Showing gratitude can be a challenge, regardless of your circumstances in life. Many focus more on negative experiences or news, while positive moments fade where we only see and all too easily habituate on the bad and overlook the good. Pay attention when you become aware of this, as it can help us take the first step towards overcoming it and cultivate a more grateful mindset.

Developing gratitude is not too dissimilar to building a muscle. By practising the right exercises, you can learn to appreciate even the most minor things on your most challenging days. Cultivating gratitude may seem cliche, but rest assured, scientific studies have proven its benefits. Following these tips, you can utilize appreciation to improve your mood, counteract negativity, build stronger relationships, and transform your self-perception. The scientific evidence is there to back it up, giving you confidence in its effectiveness.

Acknowledging gratitude can release serotonin and dopamine in the brain, which are associated with happiness and pleasure. This type of thinking also helps reduce stress hormones, resulting in a decrease in anxiety and an improvement in mood in the short term. Regularly practising gratitude can lead to lasting changes in your brain, which can prime you to be more grateful. It's been shown that changes in our brain activity are linked to improved mental health, increased happiness, and better overall well-being.

Activity practice Emotional Gratitude 

Practising gratitude can help us achieve a state of mind where anxiety, stress, and fear cannot exist. This state of mind is known as 'Flow', a term coined by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. (If you're unsure how to pronounce his name, here's a phonetic guide: "Me high? Cheeks send me high!") Flow is considered the optimal human experience, which many describe as being in the zone where an individual fully engages in an activity, focusing solely on it. Time seems to fly during this state, and you feel complete immersion and enjoyment. Being in a state of Flow can trigger a feeling of happiness because you're fully present and appreciative of the moment. However, there is a catch. To experience genuine joy and gratitude, you have to make it happen. If you commit yourself to this effort, you will find it easy to change your emotions and reach a state of true happiness and an appreciation for those moments. Practising daily gratitude can make changing your feelings and being happy more accessible, especially by thinking about things you can be grateful for that are coming into your life. So, why not strive for this flow state, practising a daily routine with a grateful mindset and experiencing the pure joy it brings?

Here's a Sample List of Ideas to Start you Off

If you were to begin to Focus now on all the value other people, inventions and things that exist today that you get to use, experience or own, which came into existence without any effort on your part.

 1. Your health and well-being or the opportunity and all the resources created by someone else to help you set and work on your health goals while considering all the benefits it will bring into your life. 

2. Your family and friends

3. The roof over your head and a warm bed to sleep in

4. The food on your table and clean water to drink

5. The ability to pursue education and personal growth

6. The opportunities you have to travel and explore new places

7. The natural beauty that surrounds you

8. The kindness and generosity of others in your life

9. Your job or career that provides for you and your loved ones

10. The simple pleasures in life, such as a good book, a cup of coffee, or a beautiful sunset.

Appreciate it And Give it Thanks

If you're a pet owner, begin to notice those feelings of connectedness, a sense of appreciation for trust, and that bond that gives your pet and your life meaning when taking care of that life and the sustaining love and energy to each other. And that can mean so much more as you begin to think of it.

And notice, when you think about it, perhaps a stranger, when passing each other in the street, acknowledged your presence, smiled at you, and had you feeling joy, or you maybe saw someone showing kindness to another.

Expressing gratitude isn't just about saying 'thank you.' It's about acknowledging and appreciating the things in your life that have meaning or could have value to you. For instance, you can start your day by writing down three things you're grateful for. By making it a powerful daily habit to recognize and thank for what you're thankful for, you can actively brighten your outlook, improve your mood, and maintain a positive mindset even when faced with challenges. This daily practice empowers you to take control of your happiness and well-being, putting the power of positivity in your hands. Remember, the more you practice, the more you'll reap the personal benefits of gratitude, enhancing your mental health, happiness, and relationships. And this is your journey to a better you, and gratitude is your guide.

To your success,